Monday, April 20, 2009

The new summer fashion

With summer just around the corner and a really nice and warm day yesterday Mia is ready to try a new look for these hot and sweltering days.The idea is to be comfortable and stylish at the same time. Of course a matching hat is also a big plus - and easy access to the diaper as well.

Friday, April 17, 2009

The Bumbo Seat

A delayed Easter/ Four Month Birthday present was a used Bumbo seat. Always open for new things she enjoyed her first own seat and didn't mind the not so girly color.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009


Since it was a Sunday Mia slept in with papa. But later she was eager to get started for her first Easter egg hunt:

She looked under the bed and in each corner but it seems that her parents forgot to hide some eggs for her. But well, maybe next year. She might even sign up for the egg hunt at the White House south lawn.
The day before she was busy attending two birthday parties and took both of them in a good mood - must be mama's party genes:

Friday, April 10, 2009

Four months old

Like two months ago the four months birthday included a trip to the pediatrician with four shots and one oral immunization. But since she is a bigger girl now - she weighted in a 17 lb (7.7 kg) a bit about the normal weight - it seems she handled the ordeal much better than last time and wasn't crying for so long at the doctor's office. Also, she wasn't crying later that evening at home and spend her usual play time - see above - in a good mood.
To celebrate in style we stopped on the way back with Mia at Joe' Saloon. On a sunny and mild day the outdoor porch was open and we thought that this would be a good occasion to have a beer on our birthday girl.

Monday, April 6, 2009

Picnic on the Mall

After many not so nice days that were either cool, rainy, windy or all of those at the same time Sunday was a really nice warm spring day with lots of sunshine. So when Doris called in the morning to suggest a picnic on the national Mall close to the cherry blossom we said of course "Yes". Since a few thousand people obviously had a the similar idea it was more difficult than expected to get there but then we found a nice spot by the reflecting pool and and a nice afternoon with good food.
For Mia the idea of lounging on the ground worked as well:

And of course there was also something in the picnic basket for her:

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Tummy Time

Part of Mia's busy schedule is some tummy time in the morning and in the evening. She can already hold up her head for some time but also enjoys some more relaxing moments like on this picture. She also enjoys pushing herself forward - with some hepful hand she can push against.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Cherry blossom

After a few grey and cold days the sum came finally out yesterday. Since there was more rain in the forcast for later this week we headed with Mia to the Tidal Basin in the late afternoon where the cherry blossoms were near peak. In the beginning Mia spend most of the time dozing and napping.

But when we met a colleague and his wife she woke up for a little smile and looked at the trees and all those people walking around.

Back home after almost three hours she was in pretty good mood and played a bit before dinner and bed time