Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Party girl

Here some pictures to show that Mia is also adding visits to parties and the pool to her schedule. She skipped the building's pool party "Rock the roof IV" though since the music was a bit too loaud and there also was a conflict with her afternoon nap

Monday, July 27, 2009

Baby sitting

One of Mia's favorite things to do right now is sitting up and looking around - as we found out today she can even do it without any help now. So we thought this would be a good time to get her a high chair:

One other new development is her crawling: She is still can't really move forward but somhow she is now moving sideways, backwards or otherwise changing direction.
After all this hard work a little stroll in the neighborhood is always welcome:

Sunday, July 19, 2009

First haircut

After Mia's hair got a bit long around the ears Mama decided that it would be a good time to trim them a bit. Looks like Mia likes her new look:

According to the pediatrician Mia was supposed to loose all the hair she had at birth but in the front she has kept most of it. Of course the hair we cut has been stored in a safe place.
Mia also enjoyed a trip to the countryside on Saturday. First stop was orchard just north of Thurmont, Maryland - just a bit south of the border to Pennsylvania:

After buying some fruit and jam we had time for a little walk before heading for an old fashioned Family restaurant in Thurmont with nice lunch buffet that included fried chicken, mashed potatoes and green beans and the iced tea was either sweetened or unsweetened.
Mia enjoyed looking around and at the people seated at the table next to us and was even offered some fried chicken by an old lady who had lunch with a friend.

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Mia likes apples

As recommend by the pediatrcian we have been trying to introduce Mia to solid food for some weeks now. She had suggested rice cereal or oatmeal mixed with formula but so far Mia didn't seem too happy about these culinary choices. When Ji - who is a big fan of apples herself - tried some mashed apples the other day Mia was pretty intersted and was also eating them as second breakfast this morning. So this might be her first "real" food - not a bad choice.

Maybe this was also why she was in a good mood most of the - as can be seen on this picture when she returned from one of her outings

Monday, July 6, 2009

4'th of July weekend

With the National Mall visible from the rooftop of our building it turned into a party zone on th e4'th of July but Mia slept through the big fireworks. Since she is more and more active every day and with trips to restaurants, dinner parties and the daily shopping runs and evening walks this long weekend she needs all the sleep she can get. With the weekend unusually cool there were no trips to the pool though - the water was just a bit too chilly.