Wednesday, August 26, 2009

First trip to Germany

Here some impressions from Mia's first trip to Germany from which we returned this afternoon:

On the plane to Frankfurt: Mia had Economy plus I had just a regular economy seat - but she still likes sitting on my lap

A little snack in the dining car in the train from Frankfurt to Hamburg

A visit to the weekly farmer's market in Hamburg

Fancy dinner at an Italian restaurant

An even fancier dinner on the next night

Off to the country side at the lower Rhine in Spellen; Mia's first look at chicken

A break in a hammok
Mia's first look at cows

Relaxing on a hot day at the Rhine with Andrea

In the ICE express train to Nürnberg

Hanging out with cousin Matthias on his 40'th birthday

First trip to a Bavarian beer garden for the big birthday bash

Hanging out with Max, the other second generation from our "gang" in a cafe in Frankfurt.

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Meeting with Dale and Amanda

On her eight month birthday Mia dressed up in her Sunday best and headed to the National Mall in Washington DC to meet with Amanda, Dale and their two year old daugther Adeline. They were in town doing some sight seeing with Dale's nephew who was visiting from the Midwest. Unfortunately it was quite hot so the stroll on the Mall didn't last too long.
The morning started with a little fashion show since we had to pick some outfits for our trip to Germany in two days. It will be probably a bit cooler over there.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Rolling on

For a few days now Mia has extended her bag of tricks by rolling from her tummy to her back. Before that she could only go the other way. Good thing that she can cool off in the little pool after a hard day of work: