Friday, November 27, 2009

First Thanksgiving

Mia's first Thanksgiving was very child friendly: Ryan and Amy had invited us over and Mia could make use of 19 month old Aiden's toys, play room and his crib for a nap. After some warming up they also played together a it. We also had a good time with nice friends and great food - maybe a bit too much to eat though...

Monday, November 16, 2009

The nosy girl

With her technique of turning on her tummy and rolling Mia can now can get into every corner of our apartment - and she certainly wants to. She is especially interested in those small corners - or like in the picture above - in a little cave like under the desk or under a coffee table. The walk-in closet is of course also of interest. Too bad for Mr. Mimi who also likes it as a napping place and was curled up in a empty box there the other day: His nap came to a sudden end when Mia started banging against this nice big box she had discovered.

At least he still has some safe spots where he is out of Mia's reach like the window sill

Mia also enjoyed a short trip into town this afternoon when we used a warm and sunny day to show her White House and - a fifteen minute walk away - the hospital she was born in.

Friday, November 13, 2009

First teeth

A bit after her ten month birthday Mia finally got her first two teeth coming out -the right front one a ittle bit faster than his left counterpart. Being the shy person she is it is very difficult to document this on a photo...

Sunday, November 1, 2009

A walk in the woods

On an unusualy warm fall day we decided to head to a state park in Maryland for a little hike in the woods and a picnic by a lake there. We thought that this would be a good opportunity to try a new mode of transportation for Mia: Being carried on mama's back.
This had the advantage that she could pull mama's hair in case the scenery became boring and she needed extra entertainment.

After the little hike with lots of hair pulling we headed to a small lake for a picnic.

It included some sweet potatoes for Mia and a bit of playtime with a nicer view than at home