Thursday, December 31, 2009

Standing up

One of Mia's favorite things to do in the last few days was trying to up and to stand. She is not quite standing by herself yet and needs to hold on to our bed or a coffee table but she is getting better every day.
Another new development are two new teeth for a grand total of four. She can use them to make a new sound that took us some time to figure out what it was.
With all his action she was really tired this morning and stretched out her morning nap to almost two hours:

Sunday, December 20, 2009

The Blizzard

Mia's snow suit came in handy when we had some record breaking snow falls today. With all the snow on the ground we couldn't really go anywhere expect around our building where the sidewalk had been cleared with a snow plough. But at least Mia got some impression of the winter wonder land around her.

Friday, December 18, 2009

The snow suit

As we are getting closer to the beginning of winter it has gotten pretty cold and sometimes windy here. Good thing we got Mia a nice warm snow suit before our trip to Chicago. Now we can bundle her up when heading for a little walk in the neighborhood.
After the big birthday last week there was also another trip to the pediatrician for a check up and more shots. We also got her new weight which is 11 kg (24 lb 8 oz ) . He height is 75 cm (30 in ) - both numbers a bit about avaerage.

Thursday, December 10, 2009

The birthday girl

On her first birthday Mia woke a bit earlier than usual - must have been the excitement. After opening some surprise presents in bed she also receiving a few phone calls. The birthday cake was of course another high light.

Happy Birthday Mia: It has been an amazing year with a sweet girl

Monday, December 7, 2009

Mia likes bread

A few days ago we were invited at a friend's place for a German style dinner with bread, cheeses and cold cuts (Abendbrot ). There we discovered that Mia really enjoys to chew on a piece of bread when sitting at the dinner table with us. So all to that it takes to keep her happy in her high chair in a restaurant or at home during dinner is an end piece of bread and some company:

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Trip to Chicago

The Saturday after Thanksgiving we headed to Chicago to meet Ji's brother who flew in the same day from Bejing to attend a medical conference: A good opportunity for Mia to finally meet her uncle Zhongwei. After some initial shyness she warmed up to him quickly over breakfast.
All in all Mia enjoyed her stay in the nice hotel with its big 10 story lobby that included a few Christmas trees. Breakfast and dinner was more exciting than at home with lots of people to see and some very nice waitresses.
Mia also enjoyed sharing her cookies:

And helped papa pay the bills