Friday, January 29, 2010

First time at an Irish pub

Ever since our trip to Chicago we know that Mia enjoys a trip to a restaurant. There she can watch other people and check out a new place. So we thought we bring our "Thursday beer night" back which was one of our traditions before Mia was born (..of course with no bee for Ji when she was pregnant). Earlier we tried family friendly places like the Cheese Cake factory which offers a baby plate and where chances are high that the people at the table next to you also have a baby. This evening we went back to a place we always liked for its atmosphere: Our neighborhood Irish pub. Ji called ahead and found out that they have one high chair and Mia was in fact the only one under 21 in this place. She enjoyed it like the other plaes we went to.

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Visiting Vipin and Nitika

When visiting some Indian friends this weekend Mia adjusted easily to the custom of sitting on the floor for a meal. She didn't have spicy Indian dish though and just a snack of cheerios

She also enjoyed exploring a new place with friendly people and warmed up to Vipin and Nitika pretty fast

Also Mia went or the first time since she was born she without formula today. After her first birthday her pediatrician told us that we could switch her to regular milk. So we have been replacing her formula gradually with milk. The first bottle with regular milk was a bit of a surprise for her, but she had started to like it pretty fast.

Monday, January 11, 2010

13 months old

The big thirteen month mark was a good occasion for Mia do go out for lunch, unwrap a big present and take a bath in the big tub. Well, the present was a delayed Christmas present from Ji's cousin who had to cancel her Christma party because of a snowstorm.

Mia also enjoys some hide and seek now. What makes it a bit easier for her is that the hiding place is usually our walk in closet and she gets a little help with a music toy. Its still fun though