Monday, February 22, 2010

At the museum

For Mia's first trip to a museum we picked the Natural History Museum here in Washington DC. It appears that many parents also thought that this is a good place for small children. So there were not ony stuffed animals for Mia to look at but also many other young childrem

Other news from this weekend are a new haircut

Monday, February 15, 2010

Mia likes books

After being mainly interested in putting books in her mouth Mia has moved on the next phase: She now enjoys moving them from one pile to the other. But if one of he books has something to touch she might take a short break to check this out.

Mia is also enjoys her walks around our coffee table, bed, or sofa:

And if nothing is in reach for pulling herself up mommy's leg is always worth a try

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Snowed in again

After more than 24 hours of heavy snow fall the city came to a stop this Saturday. In the afteroon we bundeled Mia up for a short walk around the building where the walkways were cleared a bit.

Mia wasn't too interested in this winter wonderland but we enjoyed to see how beautiful and quite our neigborhood had become.

Back home Mia tried again to get Mr. Mimi's attention but he prefers to nap and to watch her from a safe distance.

Good thing her arms are not yet long enough to reach across our bed

So Mia had to play with her ball popping machine again:

Monday, February 1, 2010

Stuck at home

When it started snowing an a very cold Saturday morning and didn't stop until the evening wd decided to stay at home. Only in the late afternoon when we had about 4 inches of powdery snow on the ground we ventured to a new bakery that had opened across the street. But there we found out that they only offer cupcakes and cookies - not really what we were hoping for

Sunday then the sun was out and the temperature was going up a bit. So after a morning spend inside we could finally stock up on Mia cherrios and puffed wheat in the afternoon.