Monday, May 31, 2010

Memorial Day Weekend

This weekend Mia discovered that it is more fun to eat on her own with a fork than to be feed by a spoon or then by picking up her food with her hands. Unfortunately this doesn't work for her favorite dish right now: Rice with scrambled eggs and tomatoes. It does work pretty well for a small piece of pancake though.

In time for the Memorial Day weekend it has turned hot again and it is good that we can escape from the afternoon heat to a bookstore close by

So far Mia is mostly intersted in books with a booton in front: When pressed thei either play a melody or one hears the sound of a dorrbell.

Another welcome escape from the heat is a new water installation at a courtyard nearby:

At home she can now relax on her own little chair with matching table

Monday, May 17, 2010

Its strawberry season

With fresh juicy strawberries in the stores and at the farmer's market we thought Mia might enjoy a sample. She liked then and did eat a few bites. Recently she also discovered other culinary options like fried rice with chicken or - not so healthy - cookies and french fries.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

First beach vacation

After a few days Mia got used to the ocean and the pool. So instead of sitting in a beach chair or playing by the side of the pool she spend some time in the water as well

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Tooth Brushing

Mia likes to brush with the little tooth brush we got her some time ago. No tooth paste yet - just some water.
Lately she also likes try a few dancing steps and to walk backwards.