Monday, July 19, 2010

At the Museum of American History

Another hot and steamy Sunday afternoon was a good time for a trip to the Museum of American History. Mia had fun poking the fake people, running around and especially with an old Chicago streetcar.

With so much to see we only covered one section on the ground floor. We sure will be back to see what else is there to discover.

In the evening it was time again to cool off in the pool on the rooftop.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

First hand bag

Somehow Mia found Ji's hand bag in the closet. Ji hadn't used it for a long time and never showed it to Mia. Still she figured out that this is an fashionable acessory and headed right out to the hall way with it. No really a surprise: For a long time she has already loved shoes and now comes the hand bag. Now we are wondering what fashion item will be next.

At the petting zoo

On a hot Sunday morning we took Mia to a small petting zoo in the coutryside. It turned out that she is mostly liked the smaller animals and wasn't really interested in the bigger ones. So we will try again when she is a bit older and it is a bit cooler.

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Enjoying summer

When the record heat took a break at the end of this week we used the opportunity to take Mia to the waterfront in Old Town Alexandria.

Ther were many things for her to see and to discover: Ducks, fancy yachts, a fire truck, art studios, an ice cream shop, and live music.

Back home Mia went for quick spin around the playground.

At the end she had to push though.