Tuesday, December 27, 2011

"Theater of the Sea" animal park

One morning we spent at the "Theater of the sea" animal park in Islamorada further down the road from Key Largo. Mia and her baby were greeted by a green parakeet.

Then we watched to dolphins on a short boat ride

At another show parakeets performed stunning tricks. One could even add and subtract small numbers. He would ring a bell as as many times as the correct result.

In another dolphin show the dolphins not only jumped but also sang and gave kisses:

The ugly iguanas are an invasive species

The drive back to the hotel over the Keys was very pretty

Monday, December 26, 2011

Key Largo

The week before Christmas we took a little break from the winter in Washington DC. and went to Key Largo, Florida. One of the highlights of the hotel was the heated pool. Even though the temperature was the the low 80'ies it was nice to be able to go swimming even in the evening after sunset.

Mia really enjoyed to swim - even if she can go only a small distance.

We also enjoyed the dock by the bay side where we could watch a manatee and her baby drink water from a hose.
Of course Mia had to try as well :

It was also a nice place for a lunch break

In the evenings a skipper who lived in his sailing boat would come for a drink and bring his parakeet along

Monday, December 19, 2011

Botanical Garden

A neighbor had told us about a very unique train display at the botanical garden. So on Sunday morning we went to check it out. It was in deed very special and worth the long wait.

Mia had also taken her baby along and made sure she saw all the highlights:

Thursday, December 15, 2011

The national Christmas tree

This evening we and another family made a outing to the national Christmas tree that is set up behind the White House. It has a huge model train set up around it and a school choir was performing Christmas songs. In a small house we could take a look at Santa's workshop and Santa was even available for photos. Mia didn't like the idea though - hopefully this won't have a negative effect on her Christmas presents.

Setting up the Christmas Tree

For the first time ever we bought a Christmas tree this year. It is not very tall but it looks pretty nice and we all decorated it together.

Monday, December 12, 2011

Birthday party

We had a small birthday party for Mia with some children from our building. Everyone was excited about the cake Mia had picked it at Whole Foods in the afternoon.

The chocolate cake was so rich that five kids and nine adults could not finish it

Mia also liked the presents she got

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Three years old

On her third birthday we took Mia to a pizza parlor down the street from our place that we all like.
After that we played a bit outside before heading home to open her presents

Of course she wanted to open the largest package first: Since she really enjoys our trips to the zoo we got a little Lego zoo for her.

A party with birthday cake and some families from our building will be today

Monday, December 5, 2011


Since we enjoyed our vacation in Cancun, Mexico in March so much we decided to spend another week there just after Thanksgiving. Mia was ready to head to the beach as well:

A few days were too cool and windy to go swimming at the pool but we still found enough things to do and it didn't get boring

Instead of a evening swim at the pool we introduced an aperitif hour at the bar

Mia also enjoyed the evening dance

Sometimes we just relaxed in the hotel lobby

Monday, November 21, 2011

Busy Sunday

An unusually mild Sunday turned out pretty busy. After shopping for a picnic at the newly opened Trader Joe's just a block away we headed to the National Zoo again. At the children's farm Mia touched the cow and the donkey for he first time, The cows are kind of big and she was a bit scared before

We also got to see for the first the orangutans use the O-line. These are cables on running between towers so that they can to go from the ape house in one part of the zoo to another.

The tiger was pretty active as well and Mia though the roaring was too strong. The panda bear was eating a big doughnut for lunch.
After that we went straight to Christopher's third birthday party. Mia's favorite part was of course the birthday cake

Sunday, November 13, 2011

The school poster

A picture of Mia was selected for a poster of her preschool: A serious looking Mia is holding a flag. For her it was not the first time she was picked for an advertising role like this: One day after she was born we were asked if a few pictures of her could be taken for the hospital magazine.

Monday, November 7, 2011

At the Zoo again

On a wonderful fall day we headed to the zoo again. With the cooler temperatures the animals seemed to be more active and we managed to see quite a lot.
The giant panda bear tried to get some treats out of a specially designed "cookie jar::

The lions were really playful and chased each other or rolled around a big ball:

A tiger preferred to walk back and forth by himself:

An elephant was munching down some snack:

Mia watched all this and more and after a long morning at the zoo fell right asleep during the 15 minute drive back home