Saturday, February 26, 2011

Papa's birthday

On papa's birthday Mia was really excited about all the unpacking that she could help with. Unfortunatley there were no picture books or toys in any of the packages

Monday, February 14, 2011

Visiting Itsaso

This weekend Mia and her mother were almost recovered from last week's virus and we were finally able to get out again. On Saturday we had another birthday party - the highlight for Mia was of course the cake - and a Chinese dinner with Barbara. On Sunday we got together with Martin, Kelly and their daughter Itsaso. Mia needed some time to warm up but after some cake and a pizza she felt much more comfortable.

Maybe next time she can show Itsaso this new trick: Balancing a Cheerio on her head

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Sick Days

Early last week Mia caught some kind of virus and it took her quite a few days to get better. She still has a bit of a cough but is much more active than last Saturday. She had a few days where she had no appetite, had some fever and didn't sleep very well at night.
Now she is back in business constructing a stroller mobile out of her baby stroller and push car.