Saturday, April 30, 2011

A photo by Mia

Last evening we took some pictures of Mia. First a few with her towel after a bath

Then a few when she was playing with her toy train.

After that she also wanted to take a few pictures herself. Some didn't turn out too bad:

Maybe some good practice for our trip to New Orleans tomorrow.

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Ben Ben's Birthday

Cousin Ben had his birthday party at a park in Clarksburg. Fortunately the rain had stopped just in time. Of course Mia had to check out the playground first.

Even tough it was Mia's first time in an open seat swing she was not scared and wanted Mama to push her higher and higher:

Later all the children got ready for an animal show:

First Mia didn't want to touch the reptiles and snakes but then she changed her mind.

Her favorite was the turtle
Ben was not even scared of the big snakes:

The highlight for Mia was of course the birthday cake

Monday, April 18, 2011

A busy weekend

After Mia got another cold last weekend she finally was well again by Thursday. So Saturday she was ready for her first egg hunt that had been organized by the management of our building.

Even though she got distracted by a bagels and other food she still managed to find quite a few eggs.
The next day she was invited at Aidan's birthday party. Luckily the day was sunny after it had been raining all day Saturday.

One of the things she was really looking forward to was the birthday cake

Mia even got a little surprise bag that went to all the children:

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Waiting for spring

The past week has again been unsually cold and windy. So not many opportunities to get outside and play on the playground or look for neigborhood cats or dogs. But with the start of April it should only be a few more days until the winter coats can move to the back of the closets.