Sunday, May 29, 2011

Another Pool Season

On the first day of this pool season Mia was ready for a jump in the pool. She even checked it out yesterday to make sure everything was ready. So even though it was a bit windy this afternoon we had to go for a little swim. The water was warmer than expected and she had lots of fun.

After her swim she spend some time with Mr Mimi

..and then headed out for a ride with her tricycle.

Earlier that day we had a birthday lunch with Vi which also included a birthday cake - which for Mia is the most important part of teh party. She didn't want to wear her diapers for that trip to the restuarant since she is a "big girl". She has made a lot of progress with her potty training recently and only wears diapers when she sleeps now.

Saturday, May 21, 2011


Mia always showed great interest in shoes and checked out mama's from the stroller when she was only a few months old. Last weekend we went shoe shopping she tried out quite a few herself. So when a neighbor gave her some shoes her daughter used to wear Mia checked them out of course.

After that papa and mama had to try them as well and Mia took a picture

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Open House at the German Embassy

The highlight of the open house at the German Embassy this weekend was of course the beer garden
Mia enjoyed the sausage and was clapping her hands to the Volksmusik

An authentic beach chair from the Baltic sea was a good place to relax

Mia could even check out the famous Neuschwanstein castle

At the end we could relax at the ambassador's residence and try some chocolates

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Trip to New Orleans

We all had a good time on our trip to New Orleans. Most of the time we stayed in the French Quarter were Rob's and Bill's place was in walking distance from Jackson square and the French Market where we all tried some fashionable straw hats:

Mia also liked Bill's hat and sun glasses

She also liked the street music on Jackson square

Jackson square was also the starting point for the tours with horse carriages.

Since Mia liked the carriages so much we also took her on a tour.
On the way to the aquarium she explored a sculpture on river walk

The little booy needed some serious words

A cat in a antique store