Saturday, January 28, 2012


This morning Mia wanted to try out some dresses. They looked cute on hear but are not quite the right outfit in the middle of winter:

But they seem to be perfect for jumping around on her mattress

Friday, January 27, 2012

At Home

Even after many months the kitchen is still one of Mia's most popular toys. Today she made some jello and a bowl of soup. Before she started she made sure mama helped her to put on her apron

The pants as a new kind of hat was one of her innovative fashion ideas

She also modeled in a bathrobe she didn't want to wear earlier - now it is too small

Using a band aide as a mustache was another idea of Mia

Here she shows off all the stickers she got from a very generous employee at the grocery store

Monday, January 23, 2012

Chloe's Birthday party

For Chloe's birthday party Mia had to put on some bowling shoes. This year our neighbors had picked a bowling alley for their daughter's party. First Mia was watching Luca, then they tried together and later Mia tried on her own.

The little ramp for the ball that had been set up for the children helped of course.

Saturday, January 14, 2012

The Piano Player

A friend and neighbor owns a beautiful piano and after a dinner party she played a few pieces for us.
Of course Mia wanted to try herself afterwards

We noticed quite some time ago that she really enjoys music and we will certainly try to get her exposed to it more

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Matthew's Birthday Party

Today some friends had invited us for their younger son's second birthday party. For Mia the highlight was of course the cake - which was actually pretty good - and she had to closely monitor the cutting

When she was eating her piece she also tried out a cowboy hat:

After that she promised Matthew her support for the unwrapping of the presents

Some candy for the kids was inside a turtle - Matthew's favorite animal - and needed to be opened with a stick and other brute force:

Mia liked her blue lollipop