Saturday, March 24, 2012

Cherry Blossoms

On a warm spring evening we headed to the tidal basin to see the cherry blossom and have a picnic
For Mia it was the first trip since she was three months old since the weather didn't cooperate last year and the year before

And judging from the pictures we too three years ago Mia was mostly asleep during this first excursion to the blooming cherry trees

This time she was very much awake and mostly worried about finding an ice cream truck. Unfortunately we didn't find one and the ice cream stand by the metro station on the way back was sold out due to the unusually warm weather

But luckily we had an emergency supply of chocolate ice cream in the freezer when we cam eback home.
We used the evening for a nice picnic by the Jefferson memorial and enjoyed the sunset.

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Luca's Birthday Party

On a mild spring days Luca's parents organized a birthday party at a park nearby. One of the highlights was of course the birthday cake. Luca's had some race car's on top of it but Mia was more interested in the M&M's:

Another hit was the Pinata

Mia gave it a try as well
The children also lined up to get special balloons pumped up

After pumping them up they would not be closed and when the air went back out they could fly really high. Quite a few got stuck up in trees. These balloons were so popular the the balloon man who was pumping them up was busy for hours.

St Patrick's Day

Mia had a big St Patrick's day party at her preschool - with Irish music green jello, muffins, cookies and other green treats. At home she had a green smoothie for breakfast and was wearing her green beads.

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Chinese Dress

We had forgotten about Mia's Chinese dress from Shanghai: When she got it more than a year ago it was too big. When Mia now rediscovered it in the closet it was almost too small

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Another Trip to Cancun

The first week of March we went back to Cancun and Mia was very happy to be back to swimming and ice cream
One pool there was just deep enough for her to stand and was names "Mia pool" by her. But she also enjoyed the deeper pools were she was swimming between mama and papa - for a few strokes and mostly under water

In the evening we went for a little walk, and then for aperitif and dinner

Mia also enjoyed watching the turtles in the lobby

The min disco was to late for her but she liked to practice a few dance steps on the stage

The last day was windy and cooler and Mia found some coll sun glasses when we walked around