Sunday, April 29, 2012

Cousin Ben's birthday



At Cousin Ben's birthday part the big surprise was a petting zoo in his parent's backyard. Sine Ma loves cows and other farm animals she was really excited. Too bad it started to rain pretty hard.

Mia of couse also enjoyed the birthday cake.

She also liked to hang out with cousin Ella and watched out for her on the stairs or showed her how to dance


At Aidan's birthday party Mia got a goody bag with a few rub-on tattoos. Of course she had to try and now is sporting four tattoos - one each on her arms and legs - until they will have faded away.

Monday, April 23, 2012


Mia is not always in mood to for "puzzle time" but if she is she can put together  an easy 12 piece puzzle. Her favorites are the one with a dog and one with a cat

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Flying Kites

On Sunday morning we meet some friends at the Washington monument to fly our kites and have a little picnic.
With a nice breeze from the south and warm weather it was a good day to fly a kite.

Mia was also very pleased to see an ice cream truck on every corner when we walked from the metro station to the monument. With almost 80° F it was like a summer day and the ice cream vendors had good business.

Monday, April 9, 2012

Erika's Birthday

For Erika's sixth birthday we all got together at a playground in our neighborhood. There was pizza and of course a birthday cake. After checking out the construction site across the street some children posed for a group photo but Chloe changed her mind about being a part of this:

One of the highlight of the party were of course all the things to do on the playground

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Pumpkin Pajama

Mia's favorite pajama is the orange one with the pumpkins. The other day she made a small "mistake" though and mixed up the pants and the top