Sunday, December 29, 2013

Get Together at the Dietrich's

The Dietrich family invited us and some other friends for a afternoon at their place. It turned out to be a great time for all the children and the adults as well.
While the parents enjoyed goulash, sausages and potato salad and other great food the children had a great time in the backyard: There was a big trampoline, swings, a playhouse with a slide, a train set and other things.

When it turned dark another highlight was the Jacuzzi. We had forgotten to bring a swimsmuit for Mia but Kross' Oma helped out with some swimming trunks and Mia could join the fun

After that it was time for ice cream. But what were the best sprinkles to pick?  A very difficult descison

Luckily everybody found the right ones

But the evening was not yet over and the kids roasted some marshmallows on the open fire

On the way back home Mia fell asleep in the car - she was really worn out

Friday, December 27, 2013

The first Ski Lesson

Yilei and Rex invited us to join them on a trip to Liberty, a ski resort in Pennsylvania about one our from Clarksburg. We thought it might be a good idea to let Mia try a ski lesson for beginner.
First we checked out the place a bit.

Then it was time for a nice lunch before the two hour lessons that started at 2 pm

Then we had to pick up the equipment. Mia didn't need a helmet because she got one as a present from aunt Yilei
Aunt Yilei was there to wish her the best for her first lesson

Before she could put one the skis the new skiers had to warm up with their instructor

First they practiced with only one ski. Then a bit later they were ready to go down a little slope with two skies.

Even after two hours in the cold Mia had still fun and the instructor told us that she did pretty well

Time to warm up warm some hot coca and and enjoy the evening view from the restaurant.

Thursday, December 26, 2013

Christmas Day with Ben Ben and Ella

Cousin Yilei had invited us to spend Christmas with her family in Clarksburg. We drove to their place and Christmas evening and had some nice Chinese dinner.
The next morning the three cousins were pretty excited before heading down to the living room in the pajamas.

Santa Claus showed up after some waiting as well

Ella's favorite gift was a princess umbrella and Mia got some games and a ski helmet

After that we spend a nice sunny afternoon at the playground


Sunday, December 22, 2013

Weihnachtsfeier an der deutschen Schule

Also the German school had a little Christmas performance. All the children from the blue class dressed up as elf and were singing a few German Christmas songs

Mia, Larissah, Camila and Kross had to pose for a picture together
After a little snack it was time to play

Saturday, December 21, 2013

Baking cookies with Mama

Mia and Mamma tried out some German hazelnut macaroons that turned out really well

Christmas Play at School

For the last day of school before the Christmas break the children had practices a Christmas play. Like last year Mia had the role of the rooster

Now she feels quite comfortable in that role

After the performance it was time for a little snack with cookies and juice.

Friday, December 20, 2013

Baking cookies with Sylvia and Luca

Like last year Mia was invited upstairs to Sylvia's place when she was baking cookies and ginger bread men with Luca

It was lots of fun
She could even try the results
Different from last year she could also play with one year old Nico - whom she really likes

Monday, December 16, 2013

A winter day in New York City

After arriving back in New York City on a cold winter day we spent one day in the city to experience the city during Christmas time.
First Mia had to check oyr Christian;s boots

 After a fabulous sunset we headed uptown to the Rockefeller center

Unfortunately it was very crowded

But it was still a nice evening walk

Friday, December 13, 2013

Cruise Day 4: Nassau, The Bahamas

Day four was a stop in Nassau on the Bahamas.

 Christian had booked a food tour by foot and also had gotten a ticket for Ji as a birthday gift

Back on the ship we enjoyed one last day with warm weather before heading back to New York City

Of course we had a cocktail again before heading for dinner in the Manhattan Room
Of course Mia knew how to butter her bread

 She also enjoyed the band an always wanted to dance with mama, papa or Christian