Sunday, March 30, 2014

Lily's Birthday Party

Mia's classmate had invited to a birthday party at "Chuck E Cheese". Since Mia still had fond memories of her last birthday party at this place two years ago she was very excited:

She even got to meet Chuck in person

She had to check out all the play stations

German School

It was a rainy Saturday morning and too wet to go to the playground but Mia had still fun at the German school.During their break she was running with her friends

In the classroom they had fun as well

The parents had fun as well in their "Breakfast Club"

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Green Party

Because of the snow the preschool was closed on St Patrick's Day tand so he "Green Party" was one day later.
There was a liitle performance

and lots of green food

Monday, March 17, 2014

More Snow

Even though the start of spring is just a few days away it feels very much like winter. Another 10 cm of snow meant another snow day with no preschool. At least the snow was just right forplaying

In the afternoon Sylvia took everybody to a hill for some sledding

Sunday Afternoon at Kross' Place

On a grey and cold Sunday afternoon Ute invited us over to their place so that Mia could play with Kross.
Mia didn't want to drive one of his electric top cars but she still had a lot of fun in the passenger seat.

When Kross's mother came home from work Mia could even sit in her cruiser

As a little snack we all had some Berliner - which was imported from Germany

Sunday, March 16, 2014

Calvin's Birthday Party

Calvin who is in Mia's class at the German school had is 5'th birthday party at a gymnastics center. And luckily Mia was invited. She had so much fun she was the last one to leave the gym area - where parents were not allowed - and said she is already looking forward to Calvin's next birthday party.

Of course there was also cake and juice

Saturday, March 8, 2014

Mama's little helper

As a special reward Mia can be Mama's helper when she is baking. Her specialty is cracking eggs

Sunday, March 2, 2014

On the slopes again

With the skiing season about to end Larrissah, Kross and Mia hit the slopes at Ski Liberty again.

Mia had really improved here technique

  Even when it got kind of hectic she didn't loose her calm

Unfortunately it started to rain pretty hard and we had to leave early

Ice Hokecy Lesson

A friend from the German school had invited Mia to join her son for a free ice hockey lesson. Since Mia is now pretty comfortable in skates we though this might be fun for her.

Somehow she ended up with her own personal coach for an hour - maybe because some other kids couldn't even skate - and she enjoyed it

Saturday, March 1, 2014

Carnival at the German School

With Carnival just a few days away the German school at a little parade in the cafeteria. Mia and Larrisah dressed up as princesses

The parents had a wonderful breakfast