Saturday, May 31, 2014

Lorene's Wedding

Our friend and neighbor Lorene had invited us to her wedding in North Carolina. As a special honor she had asked Mia to be her flower girl.
The weather was perfect and the setting outside the clubhouse of the Country Club of North Carolina was beautiful

Since Mia had a few practice runs the day before all went perfect.
After the ceremony we had to wait a bit for the reception

 Then Mia had to pose for some formal pictures

Then it was time for dinner and some dancing. Mia and the bride enjoyed the dancing part

Here some of the official pictures we received later from Lorene

Saturday, May 24, 2014

Memorial Day Weekend

The first day of the Memorial Day weekend we got invited by some friends from the German school. There was some great food and fun for the children. First Mia checked out the little water slide

Then it was time to warm up in the hot tub

They also had a nice trampoline

and swings

The children liked to have some time for themselfes

Friday, May 23, 2014

The Grand Finale

Mia had wonderful teachers and nice classmates in her preschool class. So it was kind of sad when the last day had arrived ans school year ended with the "Grand Finale". The oldest children in Mia's Angels class started the program with a prayer and songs

Then there was a reception with time for some cake and some photos with friends and teachers

Some children and their mothers met later for a picnic at a playgroud

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Beach Day

With the summer around the corner Mia's teacher organized a beach day at her school. All the children had lots of fun

Sunday, May 18, 2014

Claude Moore Colonial Farm

The Claude Moore Colonial Farm offered a market fair it was a good opportunity to check it out.
Volunteers dressed like in 1771 and answered questions   about the live back then

  Kids could try games from 250 years ago

 There was a free fencing lesson

 The puppet show was very popular

 Kross has fun as well
The chicken on the farm had a good live

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Field Day

On Field Day many different stations were set up at the gym of Mia's school.  It was really fun.
First the gym teacher told them what to do

 Then it was time for the hula hoops

 Then Mia had show her throwing skills

 ..her crawling skills..
 and her balancing skills.

 Next she had to hop

 and to throw a ball
 The last station was also fun

 Then all went out for a little break
and some water melon