Monday, July 21, 2014

Denver Science Museum

The last afternoon in Denver we spent at the Denver Science museum which has has a newly updated section for young children.
Of course there were some small dinosaurs

 There was water to experiment with

Mia could dress as an astronaut

We didn't go to the Maya exhibit but the signs were also fun

Erika liked the wild animal displays

 The view from the museum was nice as well

 When we left we headed for a nice ice cream store and Mia and Jacob had the special sears in the back of Ha's Volvo

Sunday, July 20, 2014

Cousin Jonah

Saturday afternoon we met uncle Andreas, Chris and cousin Jonah who live just outside Denver.
First we went to a park were Mia had joined a birthday party for one of Jacobs friends

 Then we walked all the way to the Cherry Creek neighborhood where we found a very nice Italian restuarant

Friday, July 18, 2014

Pirates Cove Water Park

Since all the children still talk about the trip to the Great Wolfe Lodge about two years ago we all went to a similar water park in Denver.

 It was very crowded and for the lazy river ride we had to wait in line for half an hour.

 Mia and Jacob didn't meet the mark for the water slides (120 cm ) but they tried te big pool

 Back home we played a round of "Crazy 8" :

Thursday, July 17, 2014

Denver Botanical Garden

On our first day of our visit in Denver we walked to the Botanical Garden which is just two blocks from Erika's and Jacob's house

The only part we saw was the children's garden and there especially the little pond where the kids could fish for different bugs.
Jacob slipped and had wet pants but they still had fun

 All that was fished out of the water was delivered to a volunteer  for inspection

Monday, July 14, 2014

A package from Hamburg

Frau Shin send some dresses for Mia from Hamburg and Mia checked them all out

Monday, July 7, 2014

Get together with friends from the German School

On Sunday we had a get together with friends from the German School.
First we met in the common room.

 Then the kids had fun in the pool

 The adults had a nice cold beer

 Then it was time for dinner
 Ji did all the cooking and it was a big success

 Christoph brought some home made ice cream
 Then it was time for the playground

Saturday, July 5, 2014

4'th of July at Sylvia's

Silvia had invited us to celebrate the Independence Day at her 10'th story apartment with a big terrace and monument views.
They Kids had their own table

The adults had wine and beer

Everybody had part hats.
Once it was dart at 9:10 pm it was time to watch the 20 minute fireworks display over the National Mall