Friday, June 19, 2015

Cooling Off

On a hot and steamy day a trip to the spray park with Luca was a great idea

Last Day of School

On the last day of school before the summer break we all headed to the bis stop together with other parents - like we did all during the school year - and took some extra pictures.

Mia managed to be the first in line where she took Ava under her "wings" - the smallest of her classmates who had joined the bus stop group not too long ago

When the bus was heading back to the school on Wilson Boulevard after too more stops Ji was waiting at the customary stop for a wave and a photo

After a half day at school the bus arrived back early at our stop

The driver Mr Jerry waved at the parents

Thursday, June 18, 2015

The Second last Day of School

For the second last day of Kindergarten a little performance and a party was planned for the afternoon. But first everybody met at the bus stop and made Mr Jerry got a "Thank you" gift

For the performance about the letters of the alphabet Mia was in charge of the "P" and the "Q"

 Every child got a little bucket with a surpsrise

 Then it was time for ice cream

Mr Cochenour got a wedding present

Saturday, June 13, 2015

Bike Race

After we missed it last year Mia took part in the yearly bike race in Clarendon again.
It was kind of warm but luckily a bit cloudy

Mia would have preferred the silver medal Luca got

But other kids like Xana were still a bit slower

After the kids race the professionals raced for 100 loops

Friday, June 12, 2015

Rock Star Mia

During the week the children had to wear different T-Shirts to show their school spirit:
- Monday it was "Inside out day"
- Tuesday it was "Sports Team Day"
- Wednesday it was " Twin Day" and
- Thursday it was " Career Day" - you could wear something related to your future career.
Mia picked a Rock Star outfit

 She looked good when waiting for the school bus

Like every morning she waved from the school bus and we waved back

Friday, June 5, 2015

Space Show

After many weeks of practice with Mr Puzo it was finally the day for the big Space Show by all the Kindergarteners. everybody was wearing p=black pants and a special T-Shirt.
The program was very impressive with more that ten songs

Mia had spot on the left - second row from the top

Hannah had a special part: She was carrying the big dipper that guided slaves on their way to freedom

Three girls could give a special performance they had won at an auction for the school a few weeks earlier

The next day they had another performance for the incoming Kindergardeners

Monday, June 1, 2015

Keira's Birthday Party

Keira's party for her second birthday was quite the big event with almost hundred family members and friends.
There was - of course - great Vietnamese food and Vi did some barbequing

The kids cooled of with some water guns - even two year old Keira paricipated

 Then it was time for teh cake