Sunday, January 17, 2016

A winter day on the Königsstuhl

It finally turned cold this winter and started to snow. The snow didn't stay on the ground in the center of Heidelberg but luckily the 567 m high Königsstuhl raises just behind the old town and can be reached by bus or an 100 year old funicular (Bergbahn). Om top of the mountain the there was 10 cm of snow and more and so we got a bit a winter vacation when we went up in the afternoon

No snow in the city below

Mia's sled didn't work very well - we need to buy a better one

 We helped another family with a group picture and they took one of us

Back to sledding when it started to snow again

 Some balancing

We took the Bergbahn back down since the bus never showed up

Saturday, January 16, 2016

A Delayed Birthday Party

With Mia and Mr. Mimi sick in early December Mia's birthday party was a bit delayed. She had wanted to invited seven children from her school and we stared with a puppet show for children at the Kulturfenster - a small cultural center just around the corner from our place.
After that everyone came to our place to play a bit.
We had prepared for a little guessing game to start off but after that the other children discovered Mia's toys and everything took its own way

Later it was time for pizza and the unpacking of the presents and some bownies

A bit after 6 p.m. the parents showed up to pick up their children

Sunday, January 10, 2016

Bürgerfest at Campblell Barracks

The bi-yearly citizen's festival for the city of Heidelberg was taking place this year at the former Campbell Barracks. They had just been returned from the US government to Heidelberg and the huge area will be the site of a major development for new housing in the next few years. They were used to be off limit of non US military so for many in Heidelberg it was the first opportunity to see this big area in the south of the city.

Mia first was interested in a play area for kids

 Later we watches some performances by local sport clubs in a tent and the children play section there. The we saw a fire truck on display

There were also ride on fire trucks


and a free carousel

We left just in time before the rain started

Friday, January 8, 2016

Trip to the Zoo

On a mild January day Mia had the idea to go to the zoo again. We have a yearly ticket and its only a 15 minute bile ride away. Its not very big but there is always something new to see - like a presentation of the owls.

 Mia  also checked out a chicken cage that is in accordance with EU regulations

We had seen the peacock before 

Thursday, January 7, 2016

Ice Skating

In the third week of her vacation staying at home wasn't so interesting anymore and so Ji and Mia headed to the ice skating rink in the Old Town. There she met a girl who goes there quite often

 It was good to be outdoors for some time

 After lunch Mia also wanted to check out an indoor  ice skating ring in Eppleheim. It was a bit difficult to find but is a good option when the outdoor one is closed

Sunday, January 3, 2016

Heidelberg Winter Circus

We could ride our bikes to the Winter Circus in Heidelberg - which Mia really wanted to see. In the break she wanted to have a picture taken with the parrots

One highlight were the trapeze artists at the end