Sunday, April 29, 2018


Our friends and neighbors suggested a trip to Louisenpark in Manheim - a large urban park with an entrance fee and a few attractions. Since the weather was supposed to be really nice with summerlike 27 C we said of course "Yes, we would love to join".
Right at the entrance there some colorful flower displays

Mia was more interested in a little snail she found on the ground

We checked out the butterfly exhibit next

There was an indoor playground next door

In another area one can see some birds

We decided to do the gondola ride

The carps were expecting some food

At the end of the gondola ride was a great playground with a water section

 Break in the shade

Rhododendron bushes in bloom

An apple tree was perfect for climbing

Around the corner the Chinese tea house

It looked just like the ones in China

Next stop another play area before the tram ride back to Heidelberg

Sunday, April 22, 2018

Spring Choir Concert

After the big production of "Paul the penguin" a year ago the children"s choir performed four spring themed songs this year


After a week with summer like temperatures we also had a sunny and hot weekend. Saturday we spent an afternoon at the pool and on Saturday afternoon we made a quick trip to the zoo before Mia had to perform at the choir concert of the music school.
At the zoo the Bundesliga club from the region had set up a stage to do some promotions for the SC Hoffenheim. Kids could participate in a quiz show where they had to guess what is on a picture that was revealed piece by piece.

Mia did pretty well and could pick her prize: A plate, a coffee cup or a stuffed animal: Elk Hoffie who is the mascot of the club. Of course she picked he elk

Sunday, April 15, 2018


When some friends planned a trip to Legoland Germany we decided to join them. Its located about 230 km from Heidelberg between Stuttgart and Munich. After we left early on Saturday morning we made it there 10 minutes before it opened it's gates at 10 a.m.
Not far from the entrance there are models of towns built from Lego bricks. One is Venice

They were very impressive but Mia was more interested in "fun things" like the rides

For one you had to pedal yourself

A maze with mirrors was very nicely done and more fun than expected

A map helped to decide what attraction to see next

At another "do it yourself" ride one had to pull a seat up and lower it

Mia was turning the steering whee on the electric boat ride

Then she was at the steering wheel at the practical part of a 45 minute driving lesssen

It had gotten quite warm - so it could not have been much fun to pose as a lego figur

Another ride was a mini safari

When the park closed at 6 pm some more shots were taken outside the Egypt themed section

The adults had to relax a bit

The next morning it was not so sunny. Perfect for a horse ride

We repeated the boat rode but this time Mia got off course

Not much of a line at the pull up seat

Our last stop was at a aquarium with real sharks