Saturday, August 31, 2019

Nana Beach

One morning Ji woke up early and caught the sunrise from the balcomy of our hotel room

The evening was was just as nice

he last evening we had dinner at one of the specialties restaurants

 Not only the view was good

Mia had won a Nana Beach T-Shirt at Bing

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Agios Nikolaos

On Wednesday we took a local bus across the island to the picturesque town of Agios Nikolaos. The drive through the mountains was already beautiful but the city was even more impressive
When we walked from the bus station we arrived at a lookout point with e great view of the city

The harbor used to be a lake that was connected to the ocean with a canal about 100 years ago

 It was really windy by the ocean

We were back at the hotel for dinner and to enjoy the sunset

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Trip to Crete

Like last summer at the End of August we spend a week on the norther coast of Crete - about 30 km east of Heraklion. Since we had liked the hotel we had stayed at the year before we had booked the same one again. But this time we flew out of Cologne instead of Düsseldorf

We arrived in the late afternoon and everything was familiar

Mia discovered a bird's nest in the bar area

This time we had booked a room overlooking the small beach

One thing we like about the hotel is the clear water and the fish one can watch - especially around the entrance of the small harbor
Ji had bough a case for the camera so that we could take pictures under water

 ..and above water

i likes to float in our live saver

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Walking with Dogs

One of the events for the summer that was offered by the city was a morning where children could spend a few hours a a dog club and walk with a dog. This had been on top of Mia's list

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Festival by the River

To celebrate a remodeled area by the river where ships are docking the city organized a festival. The area now invites to sit down and enjoy the water

The main road along the river was closed and Mia tried a Segway - offered by the company a fourth grade teacher once worked for

An historic car that can also used as a boad

 Music an Food

 The highlight for Mia was that we met some friends that own tow dogs at the the end

We joined them for a short walk