Thursday, February 27, 2020


After two days in Cologne we hopped on the train again to go to Hamburg and see some old friends. When we arrived it was snowing
The next day the weather was cold and wind and changed between rain and clouds

It was the Same on Wednesday but we still went out to see the famous new concert hall - the Elb Philaarmonie


It is build on top of a old warhouse and to get up one has to the the longest esalator in Germany

 Beautiful architecture

Up on a walkway one has great view

Before we left on Thursday we went to an market in the neigborhood

Sunday, February 23, 2020

Carnival in Cologne

This year we took the train to see the carnival in Cologne

Like in the years before we watched the parade in Wahn - forty years it started with three groups and now it is more than 60:

Guido Cantz - the host of a show on national TV is a local celebrity

The next day we were invited at a friends place in Longerich in the north of Cologne. The weather was awful with rain and lot of wind and we could only see a short version of the parade. In other neighborhoods the parades were canceled.
Ji caught some nice gloves

At least we could sit inside and enjoy food and beer

Sunday, February 16, 2020

Sunday in Basel

Sunday we went back to explore the old town a bit more
We started at the old bridge and walked along the riverfront opposite the old town

There were plenty of stairs and benches were one can sit and enjoy the view

A typical fountain

We also wanted to try the ferry which is using only the current to move back and forth

On the other side we arrived just below the Münster

A old man made soap bubbles on the square and Mia really liked his shaggy dog

A violin payer

Mia also tried some bubbles

Saturday, February 15, 2020

Visiting friends in Basel

With a nice weather forcast for the weekend we decided to go to Basel for the weekend to say Hi to some old friends from the US that had transferred there last summer. By coincidence Kenny was visiting the same weekend from New York City - he had jumped on the opportunity to get  a free trip for frequent flier miles.
Dale showed us around. The Mittlere Brücke (Middle Bridge) is some of the oldest permanent crossing on the Rhine and has been there for almost 800 years

Peter is showing Mia an old garden by the river

 Old town

There were many fountains with drinking water

Old friends at the Münster - a church that was finished in 1480.

One of the old city gates

Dale and his family had great penthouse apartment with roof access and an empty pool. Peter showed Mia the view

The we were invited for raclette - the famous Swiss dish with melted cheese

Kenny explained Mia how a Rubic's cube