Saturday, May 30, 2020

Castle Hambach

The Pfälzer Wald is 60 west on the other side of the Rhine valley and the largest wooded area in Germany. Its a bit dryer and warmer - so a good area for wine - and a paradise for hiking. We just did
a small walk around castle Hambach which is famous for a big gathering during the German revolution of 1848.

Wednesday, May 27, 2020

The Zeppelin

We hav to stay at home most of the time but once in a while something interesting happens right at our door steps: Today a zepplein passed over our neighborhood

Thursday, May 21, 2020

Bike Tour to Schwetzingen

The weather is really nice and Mia in pretty good shape after a few recent bike tour. So a bike tour to Schwetzingen on Father"s day was no problemThe restaurants had finally opened three days earlier after being closed for more than two months because of the corona crisis

We decided to visit the hughe park that belongs to the castle

 The is a barque part and another part more like an English garden with where a temple ruin and a mosque were build more than 200 years ago

Some of the statues were wearing masks

 The first beer in a beer garden after  long time

Saturday, May 16, 2020

Picking Elder-Flowers

Ji had noticed that elder bushes are in bloom right now and she had the idea to pick elder-flowers to male some syrup.

We made a bike tour towards Ladenburg whee she had noticed some bushes earlier. The road follows the old Roman road from Ladenburg to Heidelberg and an ancient mile marker is still there as a reminder of the history

We ended up with two big bags full of elder flowers with their  beautiful fragrance - they turned into a few jars full for syrup

Sunday, May 10, 2020

Letter Ralley

A city culture center that also offers activities for children has set up a letter ralles all over different neighborhoods. Each letter will have a clue to find the next one. After 14 ot 15 letters you find a code card to figure out the solution

Saturday, May 9, 2020


This Saturday we explored the trails along the small mountain that borders the old town in Heidelberg. We started by climbing some stairs just a few steps from a busy square. On top of the stairs next to an old wall Mia found some snails that were out after some rain

Mia looked for a good spot for the snails were no one could step on them

Later in the woods she also found some snails without a house

On top of the small mountain was a 150 year old tower which we didn't know existed

At the end of our walk the sun came out

Sunday, May 3, 2020

Evening Walk

We try to get out after a day of doing school and office work at home and found a route with not too many other walkers that has a lot of evening sun. Since a main road that passes our apartment was closed for resurfacing this week Mia had also had the unique opportunity to ride her wave board in the middle of major road

After a 10 minute walk we get to a small park next to the railraid tracks

Some more rounds on the road before it reopens tomorrow