Sunday, July 19, 2020

Evening Bike Ride

On a warm summer evening another bike ride through the fruit and vegetable fields in the Handschuhsheimer Feld north of the city.

Right now the sunflowers are in bloom


A garden with old fruit trees

A break by the side canal of the Neckar

Only three days of school left now

Sunday, July 5, 2020

Bridging to Cadet

Unfortunately the girl scout camporee at Zwingeberg on the Neckar was canceled this year due to Covid. At least al the Heidelberg girl scouts were able to meet for the bridging ceremony at a private garden in Ziegelhausen.

Before everything started the girl could make use of some playing eqipment


Then it was time to start. First he flags where set up

Then the awards were given

Then Mia bridged from Junior to Cadet - the procedure slightly changed to follow social distancing rules

Mia wearing her new khaki Cadet colors.