Monday, October 3, 2022


On our drive back from Lake Constance we wanted to make a stop at the <hohenzollern castle - the family of the last reigning German emperor. As it turned out there are two Hohenzollern castles in the area - one on top of a mountain - which we had in mind - and one by the river Danube in Siegmaringen, where we went by mistake.
However, this was also a nice place to visit: Siegmaringen is a charming small town and the castle looks right of a fairy tale.
First the ladies checked out a playground


Sunday, October 2, 2022

Day on the horse farm

On Sunday Antje took us along to see her two horses she keeps on a horse farm in Mennwangen north of Lake Constance.
First Gandur had to be brushed and then made ready for riding

First Antje took her riding in the indoor hall and took a half hour riding lessen

Then Mia and her friend could take a turn


Banu had to watch from the side:

After this the girls got Antje's second horse Hera ready - she had to be walked: since she is too old for riding

Antje had mentioned a short walk but it turned out to be more than two hours

A short break where Ji found some nice wallnuts

Then it was Mia's turn to lead Hera

Then Mia could walk Banu

Then we met Antje`s friend Erwin for dinner in Überlingen - but first we did a little walk to the shore of Lake Constance where it was very windy

Kite surfuing

At the resturant

Saturday, October 1, 2022

Visting Antje

On the long weekend with the German National Holiday on October 3 we decided to go to see Antje in Schaffhausen, Switzerland - just across the border from Germany. The checkpoint at the border was empty

Antje had some coffee and cake ready

The weather was not so great and it started to rain but we still decided to walk to the see the famous Rhine Falls of Schaffhausen

Back at Antje's place it was time for dinner but first we checked out the basement that was set up as air shelter according to Swiss regulations

Back in the apartment the girls played with Banu

The ladies worked on the raclette and melted the cheese

There was even some Swiss chocolate for desert