Thursday, November 24, 2022

Big Band Concert

We got free tickets for the first Big Band concert at work after two years of Corona break. Mia didn#T like it too much

Saturday, November 5, 2022

Cybersecurity Meeting Frankfurt

On the way back from Hamburg Mia and Ji met the Heidelberg girl scouts for an eventto be taught about Cyber Security by IT professionals who work at the US Consulate, along with Cadettes from Frankfurt. (They earned THREE badges!!!)

Afterwards the girls completed a digital hunt downtown and went out for dinner.

Thursday, November 3, 2022


During Mia's one week fall break we took another trip to Hamburg to help out the elderly friends of Ji a bit. Mia helped with walking

There was also time for a cup of cofee

And a trip to the barber shop for a fresh haircut

Mia also helped with the shopping list

Like always Ji did a lot of cooking