Sunday, December 31, 2023

Valencia Day Four: A day at the zoo

On the last year of the year we went to see the zoo in Valencia which is really spectacular: Its is build in the former riverbed and focuses on African animal who plenty of space and environment as natural as possible

There were also some smaller colorful animals

The lions were relaxed

Some refreshment for the elephants

On exhibit showed animals from Madagaskar


The hippo was happy as well

On the way out we stopped at the souvenir shop - but didn't buy anything

After dinner at the mall we watched the fireworks for the new year from our hotel room: Happy 2024!

Saturday, December 30, 2023

Valencia Day Three: Marcat Central

On our third day we wanted to check out the central market in Valencia  Before we go there we listened to some musicians at the central station where we passed on you way from the metro statiom

The dachshunds liked it too

At the Marcat Central - which has a dome like an cathedral and is full of light


Some fresh squeezed organge juice from the market

We walked a bit around in the neigbborhood north of the central market

Time for a burrito for lunch

We hopped on a tram for a evening walk on the beach

Two angles when we got on the metro back to the hotel

Friday, December 29, 2023

Valencia Day Two: Ciutat Vella

On our first full day in Valencia we explored the historic center First stop on our walk from south to norh was the Plaça de l'Ajuntament - a main squre with grand art deco buildings

Micha the bear at the Plaça del Reina

Mia took a picture of an Indian tourist at the Plaça de la Verge

Fresh squeeezed orange juice from a stand at the square

One of the remaining city gates

Time for a break

 A former river has been rerouted after a major flood and turned into a park

Nex stop the stadium of the FC Valencia

Market hall

Ont the way to a Mexican Taco restaurant

After dinner we were back at the Plaça de l'Ajuntament where had started in the morning