Monday, January 12, 2009

The first month

Hard to believe it has already been five weeks since Mia arrived.

Mia is doing great and eats and sleeps well - which are the two top things on a baby's to do list. She also has her active time when she gazes at things and gives us a smile here and there. But then maybe she is just trying another one of her funny faces, who knows

She already changed quite a bit from the first picture we sent out when she was a day old:

But most of the time she is still as peaceful and quite as on this first picture and she doesn't really cry a lot. We are especially happy she has been sleeping 5+ hours for a couple of nights now. Hopefully she will stick to this pattern.

Here a few pictures that were taken in the hospital were she spent her first week

The following picture shows Mia at home - bundled up for a trip to the doctor's office when she was two weeks old

On this picture she is about three weeks old

This is one month old Mia in her swing

and on the changing table

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