Sunday, February 22, 2015

Snowy Saturday

After a few very cold days with -18 C at night a few snowflakes started to fall Saturday morning at 10:30 am during Mia's class at the German School. 45 minutes later classes had ended early and we tried to make it back home over streets that were really slick and slippery.
A 20 minute trip turned into almost two hours.
On the belt way with its four to five lanes cars were spinning at a slight uphill part right after the Potomac bridge

 The George Washington Parkway, a major route into Washington, had turned into a winter wonder land.

When we finally mad it home we warmed up with some hot cocoa for Mia and some coffee for us and headed out again to enjoy the snow before it turned to sleet and rain later that evening

 Bundled up and with snow boots and snow pants it was fun

 Like earlier this week we headed to Rocky Run park for some ledding

 Mama and papa gave it a try as well

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