Sunday, September 27, 2015

Heidelberger Herbst Festival

This weekend we checked out the Heidelberger Herbst Festival that was taking place for two days at many locations all over the Old Town and other parts of the city.
First we checked out the main squatre

Then we had lunch Kornmarkt at a smaller square where a Bundesliga soccerhad sponsored a stage with music and activities

We came back in the evening to see some medieval  themed performances at Universitätsplatz.
First a jester

Then Mia tried to climb a rope ladder

It was very difficult - looks like nobody could do it. Even Mia failed

 Then we walked back
 ..and stopped for an old fashioned carousel

he next day we returned and Mia tried some free bounc house

 And we ended back at Universitüatsplatz before we headed for dinner with our new neighbors

Thursday, September 24, 2015

Circus Bely

Thursday afternoon after school we headed to see a little circus that had set up the tent in Walldorf right next to the Autobahn exit. It was a really charming show with many animals set up by the circus family that is its eight generation.
No picture taking was allowed during the show but we took some in the break were the children were invited to see the animals outside

The pigs had been part of a show with farm animals that also includes cows, geese, sheep, and dogs

The zebras didn't perform in the show

he circus people took a break playing Foosball

The black horses had started the show

The show by the dogs in the second part was one of the highlights

After the break children could pose for pictures on a camel for small fee

 After the show Mia could ride a horse in the circus tent - also for small fee

Saturday, September 19, 2015

First Day of School

The first day of school for first graders was on a Saturday - probably to make it easier for parents, relatives and friends to attend.

It started with a church service at the Lutheran church nearby which was really nicely done. Before we got there we already had helped Mia's teacher find the place when we saw him walking the wrong direction even though the church bells were hard to overhear. He is is just out of university and new in town.
The new first graders were sitting in front

It ended with a blessing for the new first graders

Then everybody met at the gym of the school - which is a very nice building from 1906 directly at the river Neckar.

 Again the first graders were sitting in front

After a speech from the principle and parents from different committees it was time for a performance from the second graders

Then the new first graders took the stage and walked to the new class rooms. Mia's class - the 1 A - has only 14 children the other one - 1 B - has 15.

The parents had 30 minutes for coffee and cake

Then we could see the classroom

 And Mia could look into her Schultüte

The day before had been the last day of a three week camp Mia really enjoyed. There she drew a little picture for the first day of school

Sunday, September 13, 2015

A visit by Oma

Oma and Joachim drove all the way from Cologne to bring Mia a new school bag as a presents for the first day of first grade next week. They came in a bit late because of traffic and were quite hungry so the first stop was for lunch.

Then we walked to the old town for coffee and cake and checked out the monuments for Bunsen a famous chemistry professor from the local university

After this we had to take the streetcar back so they could leave on time - not before taking a quick look at Mia's school first though

Saturday, September 12, 2015

Kerwe in Kircheim

On a bus ride to Walldorf Ji noticed that a big street festival was being set up. So we checked it out on Saturday. They day gad started rather warm and sunny and we got a few rain showers in the afternoon but it was still fun.
Mia still wanted the do the ride that were probably meant for younger children

We also checked out some of the fair food and the music band

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

New Playgrounds

On the bus ride back from summer camp Ji and Mia discovered a new playground close to the castle that was build on the side of the mountain.  One of the highlights was the long slide

 Mia met another girl her age

Her father recommended another great playground in the Weststadt which we checked out the next dat