Thursday, September 24, 2015

Circus Bely

Thursday afternoon after school we headed to see a little circus that had set up the tent in Walldorf right next to the Autobahn exit. It was a really charming show with many animals set up by the circus family that is its eight generation.
No picture taking was allowed during the show but we took some in the break were the children were invited to see the animals outside

The pigs had been part of a show with farm animals that also includes cows, geese, sheep, and dogs

The zebras didn't perform in the show

he circus people took a break playing Foosball

The black horses had started the show

The show by the dogs in the second part was one of the highlights

After the break children could pose for pictures on a camel for small fee

 After the show Mia could ride a horse in the circus tent - also for small fee

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