Sunday, October 4, 2015

Gut Leidenhausen

After a big breakfast at Haus Elmar and a walk with Claudia Mia wanted to see some deer and wild boars at a park nearby.
There we checked out the map and the animals and a big playground were just a few minute walk from the parking lot

 Before we saw the wild boar we already smelled and them.


The deer were also close by and The male ones made a very load roaring noise

Then it was time to check out the playground

There was also a sanctuary for birds of prey

Then we were really hungry but luckily the former farm had a nice cafe with outside seating and some hardy lunch items in the menu

On the way back we checked out the wild boar again

The drive back to Heidelberg took an hour extra because of an accident that closed the freeway but we made it back to Heidelberg just before dark

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