Friday, June 10, 2016

Ella and Ben in Town

Ji's cousin from outside Washington DC and her two children started off their European vacation in Heidelberg before taking a cruise out of Barcelona 10 days later.
We had stayed at their place in Maryland many times when we lived in Arlington and with Ella one and a half years younger and Ben one and a half years older it was always fun for Mia who likes to play with both

On the first day after their arrival Mia had to show them an ice cream parlor and a nice playground after coming home from school

Then we all took a bus for the 15 minute bus ride to a beer garden in the hills above Heidelberg.
On the way we had to stop a yet another playground

The children saw - and smelled - lots of cows and enjoyed the food

We missed the last bus back into yown ant 7:45 pm but it was only a 30 minute walk to a street car stop for the ride back

Just before the street car stop was another nice playground in a school yard with some nice rock climbing

We made it home in time for the opening game of the Euro 2016

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