Wednesday, May 24, 2017

Deutsch Amerikanisches Freundschaftsfest

The German American friendship festival is a big fun fair at  former American military installation in Heidelberg. All the American soldiers are gone for some time now but is is nevertheless a huge event with many rides. We went on a Wednesday where all the rides were half price
Mia always likes the fun house - in this one she could stay and play as long as she wanted

 She also tried to be inside a big plastic bubble for the first time

The huge ferries wheel was something for the whole family

Mia met a class mate and her father in line and the joined as for the ride

She also did her first back flip at the bungee cords

We also met a colleague and his family and had a beer with them while Mia explored the fair ground with his 8 year old son. Unfortunately we had to leave early because we had to leave early for s trip the next morning

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