Saturday, June 10, 2017

Barbara's 50'th in Frankfurt

Cousin Barbara our old neighbor from Washington DC who has since moved on to Geneva via Kabul, Kinshasa and Accra celebrated her 50'th birthday in Frankfurt with family and friends. We also joined the party.
First we met jut with her un Ueli for some coffee by the stock exchange - since the statue of the bull and the bear make for  good meeting point.

Then we went to check out the area around the Berger Strasse where the restaurant for the party was and where a huge street festival was going on.
In a park some wedding pictures were being taken.

At the stand of a church children could shoot with a nerf gun - which was very popular

It was Mia's first try so she didn't do so well.
It was getting quite crowded

Mia discovered a clown in the

Luckily the restaurant for the birthday dinner was right in the middle of everything

So Mia could jut walk outside to get a second shot with the nerg gun..

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