Saturday, November 25, 2017

The Thanksgiving Gathering

This year we managed to continue the long tradition of a Thanksgiving gathering of the old LSU friends. It was only a small group since not everyone cold make it but it was still great to be able to get together again.
Instead of a turkey we had a Chinese hotpot - or fondue chinoise as they say in Switzerland according to Antje

Veggies or meat are cooked in a pot of hot broth right on the tabe

Antje had made some traditional pumpkin pie

A great evening with old friends

Sunday, November 19, 2017

The broken Bed

After we fixed a major crack on Mia's bed it cracked again a week later when a friend who was visiting sat on the wrong spot. Luckily we managed to flip the bad side part around and glue and screw the small beam where the mattress sits on back on.

With some extra metal braces it should be now stronger now than before

Sunday, November 5, 2017


When we got invited for coffee and cake from some friends it was a good opportunity to bake something ourselves to bring a long. Nussecken were popular 30 years ago so we tried them again.
With butter, sugar, apricot jam and lots of hazelnuts  it can't go wrong

The next morning it was time for some finishing touches