Friday, July 19, 2019

Bike Tour to Erlichsee

At the beginning of the year some parents had the idea to organize something special for the 4 A fourth grade class at the end of the school year. Something they would remember after they leave elementary school and move to different secondary schools in Heideberg in the fall. This event was a bike tour to a lake 24 km away with a stay at a campground overnight.
Of the 16 students in Mia's class 15 joined for the trip bu most decided to go by car - only six went by bike. Four boys and two girls. Mia was one of these two

Before everybody left right after school on Friday they posed for a group pictures

 Two hours later after a long ride with head wind the group of bikers arribed

Then it was time for lunch after the girls put their luggage in one tent and the boys in another one

It was a bit overcast and not very warm but still everyone headed for the lake

Later in the afternoon it was time for some games

Since we couldn't stay - there was only space for four parents - we left before dinner and returned the next day

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