Saturday, July 29, 2023

Exploring Paris

We  had one day without a fixed schedule - well almost, we were supposed to meet for basketball not too far from Place Pigalle.
But first we enjoyed the view from our hotel room: We got a new one with nicer view after water was dripping from the ceiling in our original one after we returned from Versailles

 On the way to meet the cousins we stopped for a photo op at the Arc de Triump

Then it was time for basketball

Afterwards we had lunch at the Place Pigalle 

- there was a bit of a line though and we had to wait for half an hour: A good opportunity for a selfie

But eventually we made it

The desert was execlent

Next stop was Sacre Coer around the corner

 A sudden rain shower

Next stop Montmatre

On the metro to the Louvre

Relaxing in the Tuliierie garden

It was a bit complicated to find a place for dinner but at the end we found a Chinese restaurant with dumplings

Metro station Plais Royal

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