Friday, March 29, 2024

A visit by friends

After their stay in Aachen our friends got on a train which took them along the Rhine river to Heidelberg. - of course the train was delayed We picked them at the Main Station and Luca and Nico first stpped at the model train set up there.

After a cup of coffee at our place we checked in Dan and Sylvia at a nearby hotel

The next morning we first went to see the Campbell barracks where Dan lived for four years as a child when his father was stationed in the army thre. He had ttended the American elementary school there for five years and the building is still intact and uses as a school - now for a vocational school.
After seeig the building we checked out a new playground nearby

After a tour of Dan's old neighborhood we went to see the old town. Unfortunately it started to rain pretty hard and we had to spend some time at a cafe to wait out the worst of this

After this we headed up to the castle

At home we had some nice dinner and the played a game together

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