Wednesday, March 1, 2017

Trip to Vienna

Ji's brother had to go to from Shanghai to Vienna to attend a medical congress and since Mia had a week of vaction and we had never been there we decided to spend a few days there as well.
After we met him at his hotel in the afternoon we went for a first walk towards the Museum quarter

Then it was time for a nice dinner in a local pub down the street from our hotel in the Döblng neighborhood in the north of the city

 The goulash and the schnitzel looked good - and tasted great

 The next morning we took a street car to the old center

 Of course we had to check out St Stephan's cathedral

We wanted to check out the children's museum in the mueseum quarter but it was closed

Next stop was a nice outdoor market - the Naschmarkt

Mia was getting a bit tired

At least we found a nice playground next to the Karls church

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