Saturday, April 29, 2017


The pass for public transportation - Job Ticket - allows free travel on the weekend for the owner and four more people and we use it quite often. The furthest we can go west is almost to the Saarland and also into France and to the East we can go to Würzburg which is about two hours by train. On a cloudy Saturday we decided to make a little trip there.
First we checked out the city center and the market square

On a stand about the environment one could race model cars with electricity from a bike. Mia really liked it.

At the stand of the forestry department she could decorate a little wooden cutting board with a soldering iron

Then we walked to the old bridge across the river Main to get to he old fortress

The bridge is a popular gathering spot to drink a glass of local wine - or in this case to five an choir performance

Then we walked up the hill

Luckily there was a nice beer garden close by the main castle gate

Mia had brought some of her stuffed animals that always come along on vacation

Luckily the sun came out a bit

The way down was easier

An old fountain helps to freshen up a bit

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