Sunday, October 15, 2017

Bike Tour to Ladenburg

On one of the first warm weekends this year we did a 20 km bike tour tour to Ladenburg along the river Neckar - and on what was probably the last one we did one as well.
On the way there we stopped for ice cream in Edingen

When waiting to the ferry to Ladenburg a hot air ballon took off from a park on the river

There is a small beach in Ladenburg that is nice for playing.

Mia enjoyed hanging out with some children that played with a dog

At one point Mia could throw the Frisbee has well

The beer garden were we wanted to stop on the way back was closed but a cat was ready for a little petting

A little break on the way back when the front tire needed some extra air and the chain had slipped

 On the way back the ladies tried some tricks

Anther break at the university campus where Mia spotted a rock for climbing. It took several tries to figure out how to get up since it was kind of smooth but she finally found a way

And here the explanation how she did it from the climber herself

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