Tuesday, October 3, 2017


25 years after leaving Bonn it was time to go back and show the city to Mia and Ji.
The main building of the university - a former castle - and the Hofgarten - the park behind it - looked as it did 30 years ago and as back then students were playing soccer and people were enjoying the sun.

Mia checked out the playground

Then we took the subway to the museum  of German history. Next to the entrance from the subway station stood the official car of Adenauer who was the first chancellor of West Germany

The main exhibition was closed for an update but there was an interesting smaller one the role cars played in West Germany

Mia tried the driving simulation with race cars but drove kind of slow. At least she didn't fly over the fence like other more aggressive drivers

 There was another small exhibition on clubs - like one for Bach

On the main square was a little fall festival

It also offered free climbing

One famous attraction in Bonn is the birth house of Beethoven

Another attraction - and much more appealing for children - is the Haribo factory sale. Even tour buses stop there

All the Haribo you can think of - prepacked or you can choose what you want and pay by the pound

The name Haribo is a combination or the first two letters of the founders first name, the first two letters of his family name of the place of his business: HAns RIegel BOnn

Mia picked two pounds of  different Haribos

A swim in the hotel in the evening

The hotel was right by the river

Before we left the next morning Mia and Ji were feeding the seagulls

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