Saturday, October 14, 2017

Teltschik Tower

After a few cold and rainy days it finally turned sunny and warmer again. So we went to a farm again to get some fresh apple juice and Federweisser again and then did a short drive into the Odenwald. A colleague had mentioned a viewing tower that is worth a visit.
It was only a short walk from the parking lot and on the way there we saw quite a big number of mushrooms.

Unfortunately we didn't know which ones to pick  - but all the people that passed us with full baskets obviously did know.
The Teltschik tower was 39 m high and it the viewing plattform was 192 steps up.

 The view was of course great

A special birthday greeting with a handwritten message for Mama Sylvia

More mushrooms and an anthill on the way back

 Mia took the anthill picture and one of an antique car on the parking lot

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