Monday, October 30, 2017

Trip to Prague

With a one week fall break for Mia and two public holidays in the middle of the week we decided to make a three day trip to Prague.  Conveniently a bus to the capital of the Czech republic leaves just a five minute walk from our apartment and goes there with one stop half way in Nuremberg. So after a seven hour bus ride we got there a three in the afternoon.
Once we got to our hotel in a nice neighborhood an the west side of the river Moldau it was just enough time for a little walk before it got dark

 For dinner we tried a fresh Pilsener beer

The next morning we started our sightseeing at the famous St. Charles bridge - which is beautiful but very crowded with tourists from all over the world even on a regular weekday at the end of October

Mia had the good idea to enjoy the view from the more than 600 year old bridge tower

From the bridge it was short walk to the market square in the old town


 At every corner there were stands for chimney cakes a local Bohemian specialty

Then we took the metro to the other side of the river to see the castle and the neighborhood next to it. Old streetcars made the way up the hill through narrow steerts

A break on he stairs up the castle

Guards outside the castle which is now the seat of the Czech president

To enter one has to pass a security check

 The view at sunset

After dinner in a traditional Czech restaurant we played cards in the library next to the hotel lobby

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